legal notice

Hermann KÜNNEKE GmbH
Ilmenauer Straße 2
D-28205 Bremen
Tel. +49 (421) 44 10 72

Representing CEO / Editorial Responsibility:
Andreas Motte, Jochen Dreier

Form of Organisation: Private Limited Company based in Bremen
Register Court: Dictrict Court Bremen
Commercial Register: HRB Nr. 14662
Tax Reference No.: 460 120 07696 (Tax Office Bremen-Mitte)
VAT Identification No.: DE 811 3993 08

While the information on our website is meticulously checked for accuracy and continually updated, we do not warrant that such information is always and throughout up-to-date, accurate and complete. Hermann Künneke GmbH may not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive or special damages arising from or in connection with your using, or inability to use, the content on these web pages. We expressly disclaim any liability for, and do not warrant the current accuracy of, any and all content on any websites hyperlinked or referenced by Hermann Künneke GmbH, as said content is the sole responsibility of the respective operator of any hyperlinked or referenced websites.

The imprint can solely be applied to this website

In accordance with section 28 of the German federal data protection act we hereby object to the commercial use of any and all data regarding Hermann Künneke GmbH and disclosure of said data to third parties in any form without our express prior consent.

Our General Terms and Conditions can be downloaded here (PDF).

Should the suspicion arise that any of your property rights are being violated by the contents of our website, please inform us as soon as possible via E-Mail, so the violation can be rectified and future infringements are avoided. We assure that all in fact incriminating components of this website will be removed or changed according to applying laws within a reasonable period of time, without any necessity for your part to seek legal counsel.

Please note that taking billable legal action to issue a written warning against the operator of this website does not correspond to his real or supposed wills.